
Broadcasts from the Black begin transmission 28.1.3306 Commander TheNekkbreaker reporting from Bleia Dryiae VL-J d10-180. ~.*.~ My DBX and I are making good time. For a substantial portion of my journey today I watched as the Lagoon Nebula began to loom larger and larger: a reddish-black cloud against the incandescent glow of the galaxy. ~.*.~ […]


Broadcasts from the Black begin transmission 27.1.3306 Commander TheNekkbreaker reporting from Bleia Eohn OZ-X a55-2. ~.*.~ Yesterday I departed LHS 3447 destined for Sagittarius A*. My jump range is about 54 light years and I expect it to take about 500 jumps. My first stop will be the Lagoon Nebula. Since departure I’ve traversed roughly […]