January 9, 2021


January 9, 2021

Minutes Taken By: NeoJabez
Meeting Date: January 9, 2021
Attendees: Amroth, Cecil, Classic Ffootballl, Cosigne, CrystalGamer, Dodge, Elidold, Everett4God, Goatman, Kratos, Kiwi, NeoJabez, RatherDashing, SkyeRangerDelta, TheRealRockLee,
Praises & Praises:

Classic Ffootballl: Surgery on Friday, prayers for the doctors to be competent, Amroth: Our fridge’s refridgerent/freon has broken; we have a new fridge coming, but it won’t be here until Thursday.

Open Meeting Topics:

Elidold reminded us we might want to remove the Christmas 2020 channels from Discord eventually.


It looks as though Cosigne will be attempting to poll people on more games and perhaps nights they’d like free to play game nights in the future. There was a suggestion for “Tabletopia”, a free boardgame system that allows up to 6 players, and Prop and Seek, a 30+ person game based on Prop Hunt.

Possibly, Cosigne and Elidold will get together and try to create a list of FTP games for the community to try on various nights.

Closed Meeting Topics:

No Closed Meeting this evening.

Next Meeting Scheduled For: (Tentative) January 23, 2021 7:00 pm
Ffootballl’s Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7mINWDjxBE

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