January 8th, 2022


January 8th, 2022

Minutes Taken By: Amroth
Meeting Date: January 8, 2022
Attendees: AIRICK, AJman14, Amroth, Dford1991, Dodge, Elidold, Everett4God, NeoJabez, PingJockey, SHALOM1991, SkyeRangerDelta, Sobra, The Birbdalorion (BOB)
Praises & Praises:

Everett – Sickness, and for everyone else who is experiencing it, that it will pass smoothly and without longterm damage
AIRICK – For a better year than last year
Neo – A Deacon at his church has cancer; not sure how far developed the cancer is

Open Meeting Topics:

FTP Game Nights/Game Nights –
We are looking for people to step up and lead a FTP Game Night or any kind of Game Night. Wed., Fri., Sat., or even Sun. Please let a Council Member know if you are interested to lead an event and they will make sure you have the right role and support to make sure you event goes well.
Also a quick overview of Event Coordinators and the flexible nature of the role and Game Night


Prayer Nights –
We are also looking for people to lead Prayer Nights as well. You don’t have to be the most amazing prayer person in the world; we are looking for people who are willing to lead, not lead perfectly.


Fishsticks –
Fishsticks V18 went live on New Year’s Day and has been working mostly flawlessly since it went up. Please send SkyeRangerDelta a thank you if you get a chance, as he has spent a lot of time to get FishSticks working for the New Year.

Closed Meeting Topics:

Further discussion on Event Coordinator changes


Discussing Operational changes

Next Meeting Scheduled For: (Tentative) February 5, 2022 12:00 am

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